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[专业词汇] 部分专业英语词汇

P:2008-02-15 14:55:33


丁二烯         butadiene
千圆密耳        MCM=Mille-circle mil
无氧铜          OFC=oxygen free-copper
牛顿法则        Newtons law
电缆            cable
出入力电缆      I/O=input-output
低阻抗电缆      low impedance cable
低电容电缆      low capacity cable
低噪音电缆      low noise cable
低衰减电缆      low attenuation cable
高衰减电缆      high attenuation cable
延迟电缆        delay cable
脉码电缆        pulse cable
高稳相电缆      high phase-resistant
微型电缆        miniature cable
耐辐照电缆      radiation-resistant
可焊性          solder ability
压缩比          compression ratio
发泡剂          foaming agent
偶氮二甲酰胺    azo-bisformamide
偶氮二异睛      azo-bisisobuty roniorilc
发泡度          foaming degree
共用天线电视    CATV=community attena television 
交替重叠        intercalarted
绕包带          tape
全过程控制系统  total process control system
束线机          bunching machine or buncher
双节距束线机    double twist
异丁烯          isobutylene
连续硫化机      continuous vulcanizing machine
连续交联机      continuous cross linking machine
阻燃性          flame retardancy
阻燃性试验      test of flame-retardancy
水平试样火焰试验 horizontal-specimen flame-test
全线火焰试验     all wire flame test
垂直悬挂火焰试验 vertical-suspension flame-test
垂直托架火焰试验 vertical-tray flame-test
垂直通槽火焰试验 vertical-duct flame-test
拉伸             drawing
拉伸力           drawing force
承线区           parallel bearing
带状线           ribbon wire
带状电缆         flat cable
扁平导体带状电缆 flat conductor cable
穿丝接线         IDC=insulation displacement system connection
挤出             extrusion
串挤             tend em extrusion
共挤             simultaneous
挤出机           extruder
单螺杆挤出机     single screw extruder
双螺杆挤出机     double screw extruder
加料段           feed zone
压缩段           compression extruder
均化段           metering extruder
交线机           stranding machine or strander
管式交线机       tube strander
笼式交线机       cage strander
绞入率           stranding ratio
屏蔽系数         screening factor or shield factor
屏蔽衰减         shielding attenation
屏蔽效率         shield effectivennss
屏蔽效应         screening effect
耐热             heat resistance 
氧指数           OI=qxygen index
速度梯度         velocitygradient
展性铜           tough-pitch copper
流               flow
顺流             drag flow
逆流             pressure flow
漏流             backage flow
横流             transverse flow
涡流系数         eddy current coefficient
离子(游离基)   radical
氩焊             argon-arc-weld
皱纹(轧纹)     corrugation
铜(金)皮线     tinsel conductor
铜包钢线         copper-clad steel conductor
混料机           mixer
密闭式混料机     bunbury mixer
筒式混料机(开放式)barrel mixer
螺杆             screw
单螺纹螺杆       single-flighted screw
双螺纹螺杆       doufle-flighted screw
清洁电缆         clean cable
氯丁二烯         chloroprene
编织角           braid angle
编织交角         pick
编织系数         braiding coefficient
编织覆盖率(密度)percentage of coverage
腊克             lacquer
填充系数(绞线) compaction coefficient
塑料成粒         plastics granulation
镀铜屏蔽         copper-plated shield
辐射(吸收)量挤 irradiation dose
聚异戊二烯       polyisoprene
聚氯乙烯         polyvinyl chloride
聚乙烯           polyvinyl chloride
高密度聚乙烯     high density polyethylene
低密度聚乙烯     low polyethylene
泡沫聚乙烯       foamed polyethylene or cellular
交联聚乙烯       cross-linked polyethylene
辐照聚乙烯       irradiated polyethylene
聚四氟乙烯       polytetrfluoroethylene
聚丙烯           polypropylene
聚酰胺           polyamide

reversible switch - 倒顺开关 (0) 投诉

P:2008-02-25 15:11:08



profiloscope - 拉线模模孔光洁度模角等光学检测仪 (0) 投诉

P:2008-02-27 11:13:16


thnks a lot!

pod unit - 线芯组合单位(每个单位含4根聚乙烯线芯,其中二大二小,二大彼此绞合,二小以填芯形式彼此相对地排列在绞合线对的空隙内) (0) 投诉

P:2009-08-31 22:42:00


Thanks for your kindly share!

engineering plastics - 工程塑料 (0) 投诉

