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[标准更新信息] UL758发布新的布丁了
P:2012-04-06 15:51:35
CSDSProposal |
UL 758 Ed. 2 Mar 21, 2012 |
Standard for Appliance Wiring Material |
Subject 758Bulletin Dated: March 21, 2012SUMMARY OF TOPICSThe following changes in requirements to the Standard for Appliance Wiring Material, UL 758, are being proposed for preliminary review and comment only: 1. For Preliminary Review Only: Requirements for Coiled Cable, New 3.3 2. For Preliminary Review Only: Maximum Voltage Rating Limit for Class 2 Cable, New 3.5 3. For Preliminary Review Only: High Voltage DC Wire, Revised Table 3.6 and Table 28.1, New 3.6. 4. For Preliminary Review Only: Constructions with a Non-Extruded Insulation and Covering, New Table 3.6B; New Exceptions to 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, and 16.2 5. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Corrosion Test of Copper Conductor, Revised 5.4.1, 18.2, and 18.3 6. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of the Applicability of Tables 7.4 and 7.5, Revised 7.3.3, and Tables 7.4 and 7.5 7. For Preliminary Review Only: Expansion of Conductor Size Range in Table 8.2 8. For Preliminary Review Only: Tape Shield Used as the Outermost Layer, Revised 11.7 and New 11.8 9. For Preliminary Review Only: Outermost Layer of Cables for External Use, Revised 13.1.2 10. For Preliminary Review Only: Flexibility and Dielectric Tests on Insulation or Covering Composed of Fiberglass With and Without Polymeric Coating, Revisions to 20.1, 20.2, 28.3, and 29.2 11. For Preliminary Review Only: Aging Condition for Polyimide (PI) Tape, New Exceptions to 20.2, 28.3, and 29.2 12. For Preliminary Review Only: Development of Short-Term Aging Requirements for Flexibility Test After Long-Term Aging, New 20.6 13. For Preliminary Review Only: Delamination Test on Shields and Coverings and Clarification of Compliance Criteria, Revised 23.1 14. For Preliminary Review Only: Expansion of Voltage Rating in Table 28.1 15. For Preliminary Review Only: Expansion of Test Conditions for Wires Rated Less Than 3000 V DC, Additions to Tables 28.1 and 45.1 16. For Preliminary Review Only: Metric Cross-Sectional Area of Conductors, New Table 5.1A, Revised 5.1.1, 5.3.1, and 5.3.3 17. For Preliminary Review Only: Construction of Tinsel Conductors, Revised 5.1.1 18. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Size Determination of Tubular Conductor, Revised 5.1.1 19. For Preliminary Review Only: Maximum Temperature Limit for Copper Conductors with Rectangular or Tubular Shape, Revised Table 5.2 20. For Preliminary Review Only: Hard- and Medium-Hard-Drawn Copper, Revised Table 5.2 21. For Preliminary Review Only: Bus Bar Conductor, Revised 5.1.1 and Table 5.2 22. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification on Conductor Resistance as Referee Method for Conductor Size Determination and Addition of Conductor Resistance Requirement for Smaller Than 30 AWG Stranded Copper Conductor and Metric-Size Conductors, Revised 5.3.4, 5.6.1; New Tables 5.2A, B, C, D, and E 23. For Preliminary Review Only: Lay Length for Copper Alloy, Copper-Clad Steel, Aluminum, and Copper-Clad Aluminum Stranded Conductors, Revised 5.7.2 and Table 5.3 24. For Preliminary Review Only: Lay Length of Metric-Sized Conductors, New 5.7.2A 25. For Preliminary Review Only: Direction of Lay of Strands, Revised 5.7.4 - 5.7.7 and 48.2 26. For Preliminary Review Only: Composite Conductor of Steel and Copper Strands, New 5.7.8 and Revised 48.2 27. For Preliminary Review Only: Measuring Device and Accuracy for Small Insulation and Jacket Thickness, Revised 7.3.1, 7.3.2, and New 13.3.1A 28. For Preliminary Review Only: Minimum at Any Point (MAAP) for Non-Fluoropolymer Insulation in Table 7.4 and Metric Conductor Sizes in Tables 7.4 and 7.5, Revised Tables 7.4 and 7.5 29. For Preliminary Review Only: Copper Drain Wire and Compatibility of Copper and Aluminum Materials, New 4.3, Revised 11.3 and 11.4 30. For Preliminary Review Only: Mixed Voltage Rating, New 12.1.1 31. For Preliminary Review Only: Oil and Gasoline Rating for Insulated Conductors in Finished Cable, New 15.3 and 16.3 32. For Preliminary Review Only: Spark Test, Revised 45.1 33. For Preliminary Review Only: Marking Interval for Cables Containing a Conductive Polymeric Shield, Revised 47.3 34. For Preliminary Review Only: Tin Overcoating on Stranded Conductor, Revised 48.2 35. For Preliminary Review Only: Polymeric Materials, Revised Table 2.1 36. For Preliminary Review Only: Definition of "Restricted Use", New 3.4 37. For Preliminary Review Only: Flexibility Test, Revised Tables 3.1 - 3.6 38. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Size Requirement of Rectangular Conductors, Revised 5.1.1 39. For Preliminary Review Only: Correction of Conductor Size in Headings, Revised Tables 5.1 and 8.2 40. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductor Metal in Table 5.2 41. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Corrosion Test for Copper Alloy or Copper Clad Steel, Revised 5.4.1 and 18.2 42. For Preliminary Review Only: Correction to Reference "Standard" Copper Instead of "Stranded" Copper, Revised 5.6.3 43. For Preliminary Review Only: Elimination of Dielectric Tests After Long-Term Aging and Clarification of Short-Term Aging Conditions in Delamination and Dielectric Tests, Revised 7.2.2, 23.1, 28.3, 29.2, 31.1, and 32.1 44. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Temperature Rating Units, Revised Table 7.1 45. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Index of Table 7.1 46. For Preliminary Review Only: Table of Physical Properties in Section 50 of UL 1581 for XL Materials, Revised Table 7.1 47. For Preliminary Review Only: PVC/TPU Blends and Flame Retardant Polypropylene (FRPP), Revised Table 7.1 48. For Preliminary Review Only: Physical Properties of Nylon, Revised Tables 7.2 and 7.3 49. For Preliminary Review Only: Three-Mil Allowance for Insulation Thickness Over Stranded Conductor, New 50. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Constructions Required to be Subjected to Crush Resistance Test, Revised 7.3.3, 27.1, New 27.1.1, and Deleted Table 7.6 51. For Preliminary Review Only: Correction of Reference to Crush Resistance Test, Revised 7.3.3 52. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Insulation Resistance Compliance Criteria, Revised 34.1 and 35.1 53. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of the Maximum Thickness Limit of Nylon Covering in Table 8.2, Revised Table 8.2 54. For Preliminary Review Only: Thickness Measurement Method of Covering, New 8.5 and 8.6 55. For Preliminary Review Only: Expansion of Conductor Size Range and Removal of Conductor Material Limitation in Table 13.3 56. For Preliminary Review Only: Single Conductor Constructions with Integral Insulation and Jacket or Non-Integral Jacket, Revised Table 3.3 and 3.4; 13.1.2, 13.3.2, 13.3.3; New Table 13.4 57. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Exceptions to the Physical Properties Test, Revised 14.1 58. For Preliminary Review Only: Title of Physical Properties Test After Oil Immersion Aging, Gasoline Conditioning and Weatherometer Conditioning, Revised Titles for Sections 15, 16, 17; Revised Tables 3.7 and 15.1; Revised 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 17.2; New 17.2.1 59. For Preliminary Review Only: Change of Referenced Paragraphs in UL 1581 for Oil Immersion Aging, Revised 15.1 60. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Test Method of Wire with Nylon Covering in Gasoline Conditioning, Addition of Exception to 16.1 61. For Preliminary Review Only: Sample Preparation for Oil and Gasoline Immersion, Revised 15.1 and 16.1 62. For Preliminary Review Only: Reference to UL 1581 for Gasoline Conditioning, Revised 16.1 63. For Preliminary Review Only: Oven-Aging Requirement for Conductor Corrosion Test, Flexibility Test, Delamination Test, and Dielectric Tests, Revised 18.1, 20.1, 23.1, 28.3, 29.2, 31.1, and 32.1 64. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of the Form of the Samples for the Deformation Test, Revised 19.1 65. For Preliminary Review Only: Loads Required for Deformation Test, Revised Table 19.1 66. For Preliminary Review Only: Long-Term Aging Test Method Relocation from UL 1581 to UL 2556, Revised 7.2.1, 13.2.1, 14.1, 14.2, and 20.2; New 14.6, 14.6.1 - 14.6.3, and 14.6.4 67. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of the Applicability of Deformation and Heat Shock Tests, New Exceptions to 19.1 and 21.1 68. For Preliminary Review Only: Smaller Mandrel Used in Tests, New 20.4.1, 21.1.1, 22.2.1, 25.4.1, 28.5.1, 31.3.1, and 32.2.1 69. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification on the Materials That are Subjected to 150 Days Long-Term Aging in Flexibility Test, Deleted 7.2.4 and Revised 20.2 70. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Aging Condition in Exception No. 2 to 20.2 71. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Mandrel Size Requirement in Flexibility Test, Revised 20.4 72. For Preliminary Review Only: Correction of Reference to Winding Method, Revised 21.1 73. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of the Applicability of the Cold Bend Test to High Voltage DC Wire, New Exception to 22.2 74. For Preliminary Review Only: Range of Temperature and Relative Humidity for Conditioning Specimens in Delamination Test, Revised 23.1 75. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Dielectric Test, Method I on Wires Meeting the Requirements in Tables 3.2 and 3.5, New Exception to 28.5 76. For Preliminary Review Only: Rest Period After High-Voltage DC Wire Dielectric Voltage-Withstand Test, Method II, Revised 32.1 77. For Preliminary Review Only: Waiver for Horizontal Flame Test Based on Compliance with Cable Flame Test, Revised 39.1 78. For Preliminary Review Only: Waiver for Horizontal Flame Test Based on Compliance with FT2 Flame Test, Revised 39.1 79. For Preliminary Review Only: Deletion of the Gas-Vapor Exposure Condition and Addition of the Sunlight Exposure Condition in 48.2 80. For Preliminary Review Only: Specifications of the Dielectric Tester in Production-Line Dielectric Test, Revised 46.2 81. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of Fluoropolymer Material Rated 125C or Higher Temperature Rating in Deformation Test, Revised 19.1 82. For Preliminary Review Only: Correction of Minimum Thickness at Any Point of Non-Fluoropolymer External Jacket Having Less than 125V and Core Diameter 0-0.400 Inch, Revised Table 13.1 83. For Preliminary Review Only: Addition to Permit Fluoropolymer Jacket Having a 1000V Rating, Revised Table 13.2 84. For Preliminary Review Only: Maximum Limit for Conductor Size, Revised 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 85. For Preliminary Review Only: Clarification of DC Resistance as an Alternative Method for Determining Conductor Size, Revised 5.3.4 and New 5.3.5 86. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Size Marking, Revised 5.3.1, 5.3.3, and 48.2; New 87. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Size Marking, Revised 48.2 88. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Materials, Revised Table 5.2 89. For Preliminary Review Only: Fiber Optic Cables, Revised Tables 3.1 - 3.6; New Table 3.6A; Revised Section 6; Revised 7.2.1 - 7.2.3, 13.1.2, 13.3.3, 14.1, 18.1, 20.1, 20.2, 20.4, 21.1 - 21.3, 22.1, 22.2, 23.1, 40.1, 41.1; Revised Titles for Sections 14, 20, and Revised Titles for Tables 7.1 - 7.3 90. For Preliminary Review Only: Magnet Wire Conductor, Revised 5.1.1, 5.6.1, 48.2 91. For Preliminary Review Only: Resistance Wires, Revised 5.1.1, 5.6.1, 48.2 92. For Preliminary Review Only: Braided Conductors, Revised 5.3.3 and 5.6.1 93. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductive Fibrous Yarns, Revised 5.1.1, 48.2 94. For Preliminary Review Only: Semi-Conductive Polymeric Layer Over Conductor, New 1.5.2; New 5.9, New 5.9.1, and New 5.9.2 95. For Preliminary Review Only: Spark Test Requirements, Revised 45.1 96. For Preliminary Review Only: Cross-Sectional Area of Rectangular Conductor, Revised 5.3.1 97. For Preliminary Review Only: Physical Size and Conductor Resistance Requirement of Tinsel Conductor, Revised 5.1 and 48.2, and New 5.3.6 98. For Preliminary Review Only: Flexibility Test of Nylon Covering, Revised 8.4 and New Section 19A 99. For Preliminary Review Only: Physical Properties of 90 and 105�C Rated EPDM, Revised Table 7.1 100. For Preliminary Review Only: Conductor Consisting of Three Bunch-Stranded Members Laid in Parallel, New 5.7.9 |