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P:2007-08-17 00:44:49
Micro structure and Mechanical Properties of Cladding Copper steel Wire by Drawing at Room Temperature
WU Yun2zhong , MA Yong2qing , GAO Hong2tao ,
ZHAN Yang ,L IU Shiyong ( Electromechanics and Material
Engineering College , Dalian Maritime University , Dalian 116026 , Liaoning , China)
摘要: 研究了经室温拉变形后的纯铜包覆Q195 钢的不同线径的线材的显微组织及力学性能。结果表明,显微组织自原
合及Q195 钢的渗碳体球化现象吻合。根据原始纯铜和Q195 钢的抗拉强度值,可以用复合材料强度的混合法则来近似
关键词: 铜包钢线材; 显微组织; 力学性能
中图分类号: TG14211 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 100124381 (2006) 1020019204
Abstract : The micro structure and mechanical properties of pure copper clad Q195 steel wires in different diameters by drawing at room temperature were studied in this paper . The results show that the micro structure of the cladding wire by drawing at room temperature is vimineous grain which was drawn from prime equiaxed grain. The fibril length is in direct proportion to square root of deformation and the fibril diameter is in inverse proportion to deformation approximately. The ultimate tensile strength of the cladding wire by drawing at room temperature goes up in direct proportion to square root of deformation, and the elongation comes down. A little increment of the elongation of the cladding wires is a coincidence of partial grain boundary amalgamation and sphericized cementite in Q195 steel . Based on the original values of the ultimate tensile strength of prime pure copper and Q195 steel , the ultimate tensile strength of the cladding wires in different diameters can be doped out by mix principle of composite material .
Key words : clad copper steel wire ; micro structure ; mechanical property
[Alexander1 在 2007-8-17 1:22:04 编辑过]
[Alexander1 在 2007-8-17 18:03:32 编辑过]
LAN cat 5 cable - 局域网用5类电缆 (0) 投诉
P:2007-08-17 00:47:23
(北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 北京100083)
摘要: 介绍了铜包铝复合线材的性能构特点与应用情况。对铜包铝复合线材的工艺方法与最新研究进行了总
结, 探讨了铜包铝复合线材制造技术的发展趋势, 认为减少工序, 实现连续化生产是工艺研究与开发的方向。
关键词: 铜包铝线; 包覆焊接; 静液挤压; 填芯连铸复合法
中图分类号: TM 244. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 3121392 (2003) 0320003204
The present and future of the manufacturing technology for copper clad aluminium bimetallic wires
(Beijing University of Science and Technology, Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: The construction and application of copper clad aluminium bimetallic wires are presented. The process for the manufacture of copper clad aluminium bimetallic wires and the latest developments in this field were summarized. The trend of the manufacturing technology for copper clad aluminium bimetallicw ires was explored. It was concluded that the trend lied in reduct ion of number of processes and realization of continuous production.
Key words: copper clad aluminium wires; clad welding; hydro static extrusion; composite core filling continuous casting
[Alexander1 在 2007-8-17 1:18:57 编辑过]
polymerization degree - 聚合度 (0) 投诉
P:2007-08-17 00:48:46
王柏森, 冯正蓉
(信息产业部电子第二十三研究所, 上海200437)
[摘 要] 本文主要介绍光纤涂覆同心度观察系统工作原理及其应用。
[关键词] 涂覆同心度; 光纤涂覆
[中图分类号] TN 205 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 100621908 (1999) 0620043202
Application of fiber coating concentricity monitoring system in drawing tower WAN G Bai2sen, FEN G Zheng2rong
(The Electronics 23rd Research Institute, The Ministry of Information Indust ry, Shanghai 200437, Ch ina)
Abstract: This paper describes the principle and application of the fiber coat ing concentricity monitoring system.
Key words: coating concentricity; optical fiber coat ing
张 杰
摘 要:简明扼要地介绍了近期出现的新型拉丝机及其设计理念.并且提出了今后国内拉丝机发展的方向和趋势。
Abstract:This paper presents briefly the newly developed wire drawing machines and the concepts of design.
It predicts the trend of the future development of the homemade wire drawing machines.
Key words:wire drawing machines;multi-head wire drawing with die quick change system;non-slip type
heavy-duty wire drawing machine;large capacity takeup
吴速英, 叶雪均
摘要: 电磁阀已经发展成为一种新的电器产品系列,并在越来越多的家用及工业用电器中使用,
关键词: 电磁阀;电磁线圈;快速设计
WUSu-ying, YEXue-jun
(Southern Institute of Metallurgy, Ganzhou341000, China)
ABSTRACT: This article introduces a method of proceeding rapid design according to the parameters of the current electromag-netismcoil. This method has been testified in practice and has a
good effect.
KEYWORDS: electromagnetismvalve;electromagnetismcoil;rapiddesign
[Alexander1 在 2007-8-17 1:23:45 编辑过]