电线电缆网 > 标准求助 > NBN 713 020 什么标准 FR2(完整版)

NBN 713 020 什么标准 FR2 - 无图版

eric1015 --- 2019-10-19 13:27:14



游客 --- 2019-10-20 00:19:01


兄弟,舍近求远了啊! 最近如何 

Fire Testing 

System circuit (functional) 

迷儿 --- 2019-10-20 00:24:03


兄弟,舍近求远了啊! 最近如何 ?请哥吃饭吗?

Fire Testing 

System circuit (functional) integrity in accordance with NBN 713 020

The test specifies fire performance of building materials and products. The cables are installed in 3 x 3 testing room They are installed on cable trays and undergo the flame action up to 1000°C. The cables are then classified according to the maximum time for resistance to fire (denoted by Rf1, Rf 1 1/2, Rf2 in which the number represents the time duration).

eric1015 --- 2019-10-21 09:12:08



兄弟,舍近求远了啊! 最近如何 ?请哥吃饭吗?

Fire Testing 

System circuit (functional) integrity in accordance with NBN 713 020

The test specifies fire performance of building materials and products. The cables are installed in 3 x 3 testing room They are installed on cable trays and undergo the flame action up to 1000°C. The cables are then classified according to the maximum time for resistance to fire (denoted by Rf1, Rf 1 1/2, Rf2 in which the number represents the time duration).


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