电线电缆网 > 新手区 > 绝对详细的耐火阻燃电缆介绍!(完整版)

绝对详细的耐火阻燃电缆介绍! - 无图版

hjbnihao --- 2010-07-14 11:01:33


目前,电缆行业习惯将阻燃( Fire Retardant)、无卤低烟(Low Smoke Halogen Free ,LSOH)或低卤低烟(Low Smoke Fume ,LSF)、耐火(Fire Resistant)等具有一定防火性能的电缆统称为防火电缆。
◎ 阻燃电缆(Flame Retardant)
◎ 无卤低烟阻燃电缆(LSOH)
◎ 低卤低烟阻燃电缆(LSF)
  低卤低烟阻燃电缆的氯化氢释放量和烟浓度指标介于阻燃电缆与无卤低烟阻燃电缆之间。低卤( Low Halogen)电缆的材料中亦会含有卤素,但含量较低。这种电缆的特点是不仅具备阻燃性能,而且在燃烧时释放的烟量较少,氯化氢释放量较低。这种低卤低烟阻燃电缆一般以聚氯乙烯(PVC)为基材,再配以高效阻燃剂、HCL吸收剂及抑烟剂加工而成。因此这种阻燃材料显著改善了普通阻燃聚氯乙烯料的燃烧性能。
◎ 耐火电缆(Fire Resistant)
  耐火电缆是在火焰燃烧情况下能保持一定时间的正常运行,可保持线路的完整性( Circuit Intergrity)。耐火阻燃电缆燃烧时产生的酸气烟雾量少,耐火阻燃性能大大提高,特别是在燃烧时,伴随着水喷淋和机械打击震动的情况下,电缆仍可保持线路完整运行。


  电缆涉及火灾安全的主要技术指标是 CO2电缆的阻燃性、烟雾的密度和气体的有毒性。美国防火标准较关注前两个问题,但是欧洲和美国对火灾安全有着完全不同的观点。美国传统的概念认为:火灾的根源在于一氧化碳(CO)毒气的产生以及其后的燃烧过程中CO转化为CO2的热释放,因此,控制燃烧过程中的热释放量可减少火灾的危害。欧洲传统以来深信:在燃烧中产生的卤酸(HCL)释放量、气体腐蚀性、烟雾浓度及气体毒性是决定人们能否安全脱离火灾现场的主要因素。
  为了评定线缆的阻燃性能优劣,国际电工委员会分别制定了 IEC60332-1、IEC60332-2和IEC60332-3三个标准。IEC60332-1和IEC60332-2分别用来评定单根线缆按倾斜和垂直布放时的阻燃能力(国内对应GB12666.3和GB12666.4标准)。IEC60332-3(国内对应GB12666.5-90)用来评定成束线缆垂直燃烧时的阻燃能力,相比之下成束线缆垂直燃烧时在阻燃能力的要求上要高得多。
◎ IEC60332-1/BS4066-1阻燃等级(单根电线或电缆垂直燃烧测试 Flame Test On Single Vertical Insulated Wires/Cables)
  这是单根电缆的阻燃标准。试验规定,一根 60cm长的试样垂直固定在前壁开通的金属箱内,火焰长度175mm的丙烷燃烧器从距试样的上部固定端450mm的位置上火焰锥与电缆以45度角接触,如果试样燃烧损坏部分距离固定端下部不超过50mm,测试通过。
◎ IEC60332-3/BS4066-3阻燃等级(成束电线或电缆垂直燃烧测试 Flame Test On BunchedWires/Cables)
  这是成束电缆的阻燃标准。试验规定,成束 3.5m长的电缆试样用铁丝固定在梯形测试架上,试样数量按不同分类所要求的非金属物料决定。试样垂直挂在燃烧炉背壁上,空气通过底板上的进气口引入燃烧炉。丙烷平面燃烧器以750℃的火焰与试样接触,试样在强制吹风(气流排放5m3/分钟,风速0.9m/秒)的情况下,必须在垂直燃烧20分钟内燃不起来,电缆在火焰蔓延2.5米以内自行熄灭。IEC60332有A类、B类、C类和D类之分,以评定阻燃性能优劣。
◎ 增压级-CMP级(送风燃烧测试/斯泰钠风道实验Plenum Flame Test/Steiner TunnelTest)
  这是 UL防火标准中要求最高的电缆(Plenum Cable),适用安全标准为UL910,实验规定在装置的水平风道上敷设多条试样,用87.9KW煤气本生灯(300,000BTU/Hr)燃烧20分钟。合格标准为火焰不可延伸到距煤气本生灯火焰前端5英尺以外。光密度的峰值最大为0.5,平均密度值最大为0.15。
◎ 干线级-CMR级(直立燃烧测试Riser Flame Test)
  这是 UL标准中商用级电缆(Riser Cable),适用安全标准为UL1666。实验规定在模拟直立轴上敷设多条试样,用规定的154.5KW煤气本生灯(527,500BTU/Hr)30分钟。合格标准为火焰不可蔓延到12英尺高的房间的上部。干线级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般用于楼层垂直和水平布线使用。
◎ 商用级-CM级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Tray Flame Test)
  这是 UL标准中商用级电缆(General Purpose Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581。实验规定在垂直8英尺高的支架上敷设多条试样,用规定的20KW带状喷灯燃烧(70,000BTU/Hr)20分钟。合格标准为火焰不可蔓延到电缆的上端并自行熄灭。UL1581和IEC60332-3C类似,只是敷设电缆根数不同。商用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。
◎ 通用级-CMG级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Tray Flame Test)
  这是 UL标准中通用级电缆(General Purpose Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581。商用级和通用级的测试条件类似,同为加拿大和美国认可使用。通用级电缆没有烟雾浓度规范,一般仅应用于同一楼层的水平走线,不应用于楼层的垂直布线上。
◎ 家居级- CMX级(垂直燃烧测试Vertial Wire Flame Test)
  这是 UL标准中家居级电缆(Restricted Cable),适用安全标准为UL1581,VW-1。实验规定试样保持垂直,用试验用的喷灯燃烧(30,000 TU/Hr)15秒钟,然后停止15秒钟,反复5次。合格标准为余火焰不可超过60秒钟,试样不可烧损25%以上,垫在底部的外科用棉不可被落下物引燃。UL1581-VW-1和IEC60332-1类似,只是燃烧的时间不同。这种等级也没有烟雾或毒性规范,仅用于敷设单条电缆的家庭或小型办公室系统中。这类电缆不应成捆敷设使用,必须套管。
◎ IEC60754-1/BS6425-1卤素气体含量的测定(Emission Of Halogens)

  这是 IEC和BS标准中针对氯化氢(HCL)释放浓度的规范。卤素含氟(Florine)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、碘(Iodine)和放射性易挥发的元素砹(Astatine),成分的毒性很高。实验规定,燃烧炉预热到800℃时,把一根内置1.0g试样推入炉内,利用气流排放速率使HCL溶入水中,再测定水溶液的卤酸含量。如果电缆材料燃烧时卤酸(HCL)释放量少于5mg/g时,可被称为无卤电缆(LSOH),如果卤酸(HCL)释放量大于5mg/g时而小于15mg/g时,可被称为低卤电缆(LSF)。值得注意的是,IEC60754-1方法不能用来测定HCL含量小于5 mg/g的材料,即不能判定是否“无卤”。需要判定是否完全无卤可采用IEC60754-2方法来测定。
◎ IEC60754-2气体酸度测量(Corrosivity)
  这是 IEC标准中针对燃烧气体腐蚀性的规范,此测试是量度在燃烧时物料所产生的卤酸气体酸度。它通过水溶液的PH值和导电率来测定。实验规定,燃烧炉预热到800℃,把一根内置试样的石英管推入炉内,同时开始记时。在试样燃烧的前5分钟,每隔1分钟测一次PH值和电传导性能,接下来的25分钟每隔5分钟测一次。一般无卤电缆材料的PH值会大于4.3,导电率小于10μs;PH值越少,即表示物料的卤酸气体酸度越高。值得注意的是,当HCL含量大于2mg/g而小于5mg/g(即符合IEC60754-1的要求时),其水溶液的PH值亦小于4.3,即不符合IEC60754-2的要求。
◎ IEC 61034-1/ASTM E662烟密度(Emission of Smoke)
  这是 IEC和ASTM标准中针对烟密度的规范。实验由一个3m3的立方体和一个带光源的光度测量系统组成,矩形曹内装酒精作为燃烧源。一个功率为10-15 m3/分钟的鼓风机确保烟雾均匀分布在一块档风板上防止槽上产生火焰涡流,酒精燃烧时,与光电源相连的记录仪记下光减弱量。烟密度是以透光率量度,如果能达到60%光传输值(Light Transmittance),该电缆材料就达到低烟标准,透光率越高,物料于燃烧时所释放的烟雾越少。
◎ ISO4589-2/BS2863氧指数(Oxygen Index LOI)
  这是 ISO和BS标准中针对氧指数的规范。它是指在室温下,当空气的含氧量大于此氧指数时,物料便会马上燃烧。氧指数值越高则表示物料越阻燃。假若某材料的氧指数为21%,即表示此物料处于正常室温下亦会自动燃烧,在正常室温下,空气的含氧量为21%,一般阻燃电缆的氧指数均大于33%。
◎ ISO4589-3/BS2782.1温度指数(Temperature Index TI)
  这是 ISO和BS标准中针对温度指数的规范,材料的氧指数会随着温度升高而下降,当气温升高而物料的氧指数降至21%时,物料便会自动燃烧,此温度被称为温度指数。例如,煤于室温下的氧指数为50%,但当温度升高至150℃,氧指数会降至21%,此材料亦会马上燃烧,材料的温度指数便为150℃。一般阻燃电缆温度指数均大于250℃。
◎ NES713毒性指数(Toxicity Index)
  这是英国海军工程 NES标准中针对电缆材料燃烧时产生的气体毒性规范,毒性是指对生物体结构造成破坏或功能紊乱的一种性质,毒性指数是指材料燃烧时所产生的所有气体的毒性总和表现。实验规定,燃烧炉预热到800℃,电缆材料中含有的有毒物质会被分别燃烧,再利用气流排放速率收集每种有毒气体,然后通过化学分析计算每种有毒物质的含量,此指数是以数目表示其毒性。毒性指数越大,此物料所释放气体的毒性越高。一般无卤电缆材料的毒性指数均小于5。值得注意的是,低烟无卤材料燃烧时亦会产生有毒的CO,如果材料中含有P、N、S,则生成的有毒气体更多,因此无卤电缆不可称为无毒电缆,应称为低毒电缆。CM、CMR和CMP电缆由于需要通过严格的UL防火标准,采用的电缆材料多含卤素,CM和CMR电缆一般以聚氯乙烯(PVC)为基材,而PVC材料含氯;CMP电缆一般以特氟珑聚四氟乙烯(FEP)为基材,而FEP材料含氟。此类含卤线缆产生的气体毒性均较无卤电缆大数倍,于火灾安全中存着很大的隐患,可能会导致火灾现场多数的伤亡人员不是被烧死而是被毒气窒息而亡。
◎ IEC耐火等级
  耐火线缆指在火焰燃烧的情况下能保持一定时间的正常运行,即保持线路的完整性( Circuit Integrity)。为了评定线缆的阻火性能优劣,国际电工委员会和英国电工委员会分别制定了IEC331和BS6387两个标准。相比之下BS6387在耐火能力的要求上较IEC331高得多。
◎ IEC60331阻燃等级
◎ BS6387阻燃等级
moveitgogo --- 2010-07-14 11:17:24


hjbnihao --- 2010-07-14 11:31:58


caojunfeng --- 2010-07-14 12:08:40


BXY1985 --- 2010-07-14 12:57:28



wyx --- 2010-07-15 08:41:25


嗯  谁说不好了 即使是抄袭也要说是引荐 我们的目的就是学习 交流
moveitgogo --- 2010-07-15 10:41:37




Fire Retardant Cables  
At present, in cable industry, Fire Retardant, Low Smoke Halogen Free (LSZH) OR Low Smoke Fume (LSF), Fire Resistant cables are all described as Fire Retardant & Resistant Cables  
Fire Retardant  
Fire retardant cables are designed for use in fire situations where the spread of flames along a cable route need to be retarded. Due to relative low cost, fire retardant cables are widely used as fire survival cables. No matter the cables are installed in single wire or in bundles, during a fire, the flame spread will be retarded and the fire will be confined to a small area, thus reducing the fire hazard due to fire propagation.  
Low Smoke & Halogen Free & Fire retardant (LSZH)  
LSZH cables are not only characterized by its fire retardant performance but also by its halogen free properties, thus offering low corrosivity and toxicity. During a fire, this cable will emit less smoke and acid gases which may damage the human being and expensive equipment. Compared with normal PVC cable, LSZH cable outperforms by its fire retardant properties, low corrosivity and low smoke emission properties, however, normal PVC cables has better mechanical and electrical properties.  
Low Smoke Fume (LSF)  
The low halogen content and low corrosivity of low smoke fume cables lies somewhat in between fire retardant cables and LSZH cables. Low Halogen cable also contains halogen but the content is much less than PVC cables. LSF cable is designed to reduce the spread of fire, toxic gases and smoke during fire. The LSF cable is usually manufactured from flame retardant PVC blended with HCL additive and smoke absorbent. These materials help improve the fire performance of the LSF cables  
Fire Resistant  
Fire resistant cables are designed to maintain circuit integrity of those vital emergency services during the fire. The individual conductors are wrapped with a layer of fire resisting mica/glass tape which prevents phase to phase and phase to earth contact even after the insulation has been burnt away. The fire resistant cables exhibit same performance even under fire with water spray or mechanical shock situation.  
Fire Performance Class  
The main concern for the cable in its fire survival properties are its flame spread, smoke characterization and gas toxicity. In American fire standard, the concern lies more on the first two and it differs from the European standard which concerns all these aspects. In USA, it is believed that the fire hazard is mainly due to CO toxic gas emitted and the heat release during the conversion of CO to CO2 during the fire. Therefore, to control the heat release is the most important concern for reducing the fire hazard. However, in European countries, halogen content, the corrosivity of the gases, the smoke density and the toxicity of the gas are equally important factors affecting the safety and survival of human during a fire.  
The European Electrical Committee categorized the fire performance of the cables into three classes, namely IEC60332-1、IEC60332-2 and IEC60332-3. IEC 60332-1 and IEC 60332-2 are used to assess the flame propagation characteristics of a single wire. IEC 60332-3 is used to assess the flame propagation characteristics of bundled cables. Comparatively speaking, IEC 60332-3 for bundled cables is more demanding than IEC60332-1 for single wires  
IEC 60332-1/BS 4066-1 (Flame Test on Single Vertical Insulated Wires/Cables)  
This test details a method of test for the assessment of the flame propagation characteristics of a single wire or cable. In this test, a 60cm cable sample is fixed vertically inside a metallic box and a 175mm long flame is applied at 45o from a gas burner placed at 450mm from the top at the upper portion. The specimen is deemed to have passed this test, of after burning has ceased, the charred or affected position does not reach within 50mm of the lower edge of the top clamp which is equivalent to 425mm above the point of flame application. The test method is not suitable for the testing of some small wires due to the melting of the conductors during the time of application of the flame.  
IEC 60332-3/BS 4066-3 (Flame Test on Bunched Wires/Cables)  
IEC60332-3C describes a method of type approval testing to define the ability of bunched cables to resist fire propagation. In this test, a cable specimen, consisting of number of 3.5m lengths of cables are fixed to a vertical ladder tray where they are applied with a flame from a gas burner for a specified times under controlled air flow. Four categories (A, B, C & D) are defined and distinguished by test duration and the volume of non metallic material of the sample under test. The cable specimen is deemed to have met the requirements of the standard if, after burning has ceased, the extent of charred or affected portion does not reach a height exceeding 2.5m above the bottom edge of the burner.  
UL Fire standard  
If a cable can pass a specified UL fire standard, an UL performance verification mark can be applied onto the cable jacket, illustrating both the UL class and the number. There are four primary fire testing standards as follows:  
CMP (Plenum Flame Test/ Steiner Tunnel Test)  
Plenum rated cables meet the NFPA-262 standard (formerly known as UL910) which provides the most stringent requirement of all the tests. Cable samples on a horizontal tray in a tunnel type of chamber are burned at 87.9KW (300000 BTU/Hr) for 20 minutes. To qualify for a plenum rating, the cables must have the flame spread of less than 5 feet or 1.5 meters, with a smoke density during the test of (a) 0.5 peak; and 0.15 maximum averages. The CMP cable is usually installed in air ventilation duct and air return widely used in Canada and USA. The fire retardancy properties of CMP cable is much better than LSZH cable complying with IEC 60332-1 and IEC 60332-3..  
CMR (Riser Flame Test)  
Riser rated cables meets UL 1666. Cable samples on a vertical shaft are burned at 154.5KW (527500 BTU/Hr) for 30 minutes. To qualify for a riser rating, the cables must have the flame spread of less than 12 feet beyond the ignition point. This test does not look at the smoke density or toxicity. Riser cable is suitable for vertical shafts not defined as an environmental air plenum.  
CM (Vertical Tray Flame Test)  
General purpose cables meet UL 1581. Cable samples on an 8 feet vertical tray are burned at 20KW (70,000 BTU/Hr) for 20 minutes. The cable is deemed to pass the test if the flame spread will not extend to the upper portion and extinguish by itself. UL 1581 is similar to IEC 60332-3C, except for that the number of testing samples is different. This test does not look at the smoke density or toxicity. The CM cables are usually used in runs penetrating single floor. This cable cannot be installed in vertical pathways.  
CMG (Vertical Tray Flame Test)  
This general purpose cables also meets UL 1581. CM and CMG are similar, both recognized in Canada and USA. This test does not look at the smoke density or toxicity. The CMG cables are usually used in runs penetrating single floor. This cable cannot be installed in vertical pathways.  
CMX (Vertical Tray Flame Test) 
The restricted cable meets UL 1581, Limited-use. The test consists of 25 feet long ventilated tunnel. The cable is placed on a ladder inside the tunnel and the flame of 30,000 BTU/Hr is applied to the cable 15 seconds on and 15 seconds off five times for a total exposure to the flame of 1 minute and 15 seconds. To qualify for this test, after the test flame is removed, the cable can flame for not more than 60 seconds and the charred portion will not exceed by 25%. UL 1581, VW-1 is similar to IEC 60332-1, except for the difference in the time for flame applied. This test does not look at the smoke density or toxicity. The CMX cable is suitable for use in dwellings and for use in raceway. This cable cannot be installed in bundles and must be protected in metal conduit. This type of cable is the minimum requirement in commercial installations.  
IEC60754-1/BS6425- 1 (Emission Of Halogens)  
This specifies a test for determination of the amount of halogen acid gas, other than the hydrofluoric acid, evolve during combustion of compound based on halogenated polymers and compounds containing halogenated additives taken from cable constructions. Halogen includes Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine. All these elements are toxic by its nature. In this test, when the burner is heated to 800℃, 1g sample is placed inside and the HCL is absorbed into water inside the chamber fed with air flow. The water is then tested with its acidity. If the hydrochloric acid yield is less than 5%, the cable is categorized as LSZH. If the hydrochloric acid yield lies between 5% and 15%, the cable is categorized as LSF. IEC 60754-1 cannot be used for measuring the exact HCL yield if it is less than 5% and thus cannot tell if the cable is halogen free or not. To determine if the cable is halogen free, IEC 60754-2 should be used.  
IEC6 0754-2 (Acidity)  
This test specifies a method for the determination of degree of acidity of gases evolved during combustion of cables taken from the cable sample by measuring its pH and conductivity. The specimen is deemed to pass this test if the pH value is not less than 4.3 when related to 1 liter of water and conductivity is less than 10us/min. When the HCL yield lies between 2mg/g and 5mg/g, a cable specimen can pass IEC 60754-1 but its pH value may be less than 4.3 and therefore will not pass the IEC 60754-2 test.  
IEC 61034-1&2/ASTM E662 (Smoke Density)  
This specifies a test for determination of smoke density. The “3 meter cube test” measures the generation of smoke from electric cables during fire. A light beam emitted from a window is projected across the enclosure to a photo cell connected to a recorder at the opposite window. The recorder is adjusted to register from 0% for complete obscuration to 100% luminous transmission. A 1 meter cable sample is placed in the centre of the enclosure and is applied with a fire. The minimum light transmission is recorded. The result is expressed as percentage of light transmitted. The specimen is deemed to pass this test (IEC 61034-1&2) if the value is greater than 60%. The higher the light transmittance, the less smoke emitted during a fire.  
ISO4589-2/BS2863 ( Oxygen Index LOI )  
This is a test for assessing the oxygen index of the material in accordance with the test method specified in ASTM D 2863-95 “Measuring the minimum oxygen concentration to support candle-like combustion of plastics”. At room temperature, when the oxygen content in the air exceeds the oxygen index, the material will burn by itself automatically. The higher the oxygen index, the more retardant the cable is. For example if the oxygen index of a material is 21%, it means that the material will burn by itself even at room temperature because at room temperature the normal oxygen content is 21%, In general, the oxygen index of a fire retardant cable exceeds 33%  
ISO4589/BS2782.1 (Temperature Index TI for determination of flammability) 
This is a test for assessing the performance of a material when it is tested in accordance with BS2782: Part 1: Method 143A and 143B. The oxygen index of a material will drop when the temperature rises. When the temperature rises and the oxygen index drops to 21%, the material will burn automatically. This temperature is defined as temperature index. For example, the temperature index at room temperature is 50% and when the temperature climbs to 150℃, the oxygen index drops to 21% and the coal will burn by itself automatically. The temperature index of the coal is defined as 150℃. In general, the temperature index of fire retardant cable exceeds 250℃.  

NES713 ( Toxicity Index )  
This is a test defined by Naval Engineering Standard which is a directed at the analysis of a specified set of gaseous species which are commonly present in the combustion products of materials used in military application and which may cause lethality at the time of a fire. In this test, a 1 g cable specimen are completely burnt inside a sealed chambers of volume 0.7-1m3 using a burner fed with air and gas to give a non-luminous flame. The resulting chamber atmosphere is quantitatively analyzed for a specified set of gases. For each gas, the measured concentration (Ci) is scaled up for 100g and the concentration is recalculated as though the combustion products are diffused into a volume of exactly 1m3. The resulting concentration (C8) is expressed as the ratio of critical factor (CF) which is equal to the concentration of this gas considered fatal to human for 30 minutes exposure. The ratio C8/Cf is summed for all gases detected to give the toxicity index. The higher the toxicity index, the more toxic the cable material is. In general, the toxicity index of LSZH material is less than 5. LSZH cable will also emit toxic CO and if the cable materials contain P, N or S, the toxic gases generated will even be greater. Thus, LSZH cable cannot be categorized as toxic free. CM, CMR and CMP cables in general contains halogen content which is essential for passing the strict fire retardancy testing. For example CMP is made from FEP which contains Fluorine and is much toxic than normal LSZH cable 
IEC Fire Resistance Testing  
Fire resistant cables are designed for maintaining circuit integrity during a fire. Both the IEC and the BEC adopted two different standards, namely the IEC 60331 and BS 6387. Comparatively speaking, the fire performance requirement for BS 6387 is more demanding. 

IEC 60331 fire performance standard. 
IEC 60331-1999 details a method of test for assessing the fire resisting characteristics of a cable. The cable is defined as fire resisting if , under the conditions of this test, it being assumed that the test flame intensity is of sufficient magnitude to destroy the organic material, no failure of any of the 3A fuses occurs and if the withstand voltage on completion is not less than the rated voltage of the cable. The cable sample is deemed to pass this test if no fuse was ruptured nor any lamps extinguished during the 3 hour flame application and on re energizing the cable after 16 hours. 

BS 6387 specifies the performance requirements for cables required to maintain circuit integrity under fire conditions. It details the following methods to categorize the cables according to cable withstand capacities. 

Resistance to fire alone – the cables is tested by gas burner flame while passing a current at its rate voltage. Four survival categories are defined: Cat A (3hours at 650℃ ); Cat B (3 hours at 750℃ ; Cat C (3 hours at 950℃ ) & Cat S (20 minutes at 950℃ ). 
Resistance to fire with water spray – a new sample of cable is exposed to flame at 650℃ for 15 minutes while passing a current at its rated voltage and then the spray is turned on to give exposure to both fire and water for a further 15 minutes. A single survival category W is defined if the cables surpassed the testing requirement. 
Resistance to fire with mechanical shock – the final requirement is mechanical shock damage. A fresh sample is mounted on a backing panel in a S bend and is exposed flames while the backing panel is stuck with a steel bar with same diameter as the cable under test every 30 seconds for 15 minutes. The cables will be tested under the following temperatures: X (650℃ ), Y (750 ℃ ) and Z (950℃ ).

moveitgogo --- 2010-07-15 10:49:19



 HB:UL94标准中最底的阻燃等级。要求对于3到13 毫米厚的样品,燃烧速度小于40毫米每分钟;小于3毫米厚的样品,燃烧速度小于70毫米每分钟;或者在100毫米的标志前熄灭。
 V-2:对样品进行两次10秒的燃烧测试后,余焰&余燃在60秒内熄灭。滴落的微粒可点燃棉花。
 V-1:对样品进行两次10秒的燃烧测试后,余焰&余燃在60秒内熄灭。滴落的微粒不可点燃棉花。
 V-0:对样品进行两次10秒的燃烧测试后,余焰&余燃在30秒内熄灭。滴落的微粒不可点燃棉花。
 5VB: 对样品进行五次5秒的燃烧测试后,余焰&余燃在60秒内熄灭。滴落的微粒不可点燃棉花。对于块状样品允许被烧穿.
 5VA: 对样品进行五次5秒的燃烧测试后,余焰&余燃在30秒内熄灭。滴落的微粒不可点燃棉花。对于块状样品不允许被烧穿.

 VW-1:垂直燃烧测试(UL电线燃烧等级)
 FT1:垂直燃烧测试;
 FT2:水平燃烧测试;
 FT4:垂直燃烧测试;
 FT6:水平燃烧和烟熏测试。(FT类的燃烧等级是CSA标准的电线燃烧等级)
以上级别中:VW-1与FT1同一个等级,FT2最容易通过,等级最低.(FT6>FT4>FT1>FT2);VW-1严格于 FT1,二者都是垂直燃烧,判定标准:
1) 燃烧标记(牛皮纸)不能被炭化超过25%;
VW-1要求满足1,2,3; FT1只要求满足1,2

三、对于电线行业来说UL 94 的 V-2, V-1, V-0, 5VA,5VB考核的是电线所用的材料,测试时要另外用测试材料制定标准样本,不会在电线上标识。VW-1 VW -2 FT-1 FT-2考核的是电线本身,测试通过后,可以在电线上标识对应的等级。电线的阻燃跟UL94的阻燃完全是两个不同的东西,打个比方 一种绝缘材料能通过UL94的V-0 但不一定就能通过VW-1;另外UL94是绝缘材料的阻燃,而电线的阻燃要求一般是在UL758 62 1581上,对象不同;所以V-0 V-1等UL94里面的阻燃根本就不是电线的阻燃;在AWM线材上就没有印“V-0”! UL94燃烧试验中有HB、V0、V1、V2、VMT、5VA、5VB等燃烧试验,而UL1581中有VW-1、FT1、FT2、FT4等燃烧试验,这二大试验在设备上的区别如下:
 VW-1\FT1喷灯为:125mm(500W)、燃烧火焰:内焰高度40±2mm,外焰125±10mm
 UL94 HB、V级喷灯为:20mm(50W),燃烧火焰:蓝焰内无锥形,高度20±1mm
 UL94中的5V级燃烧是采用125mm(500W)、燃烧火焰:内焰高度40±2mm,外焰125±10mm
 火焰的火焰温度也不一样:20mm(50W)试验火焰:100±2~700±3℃的时间是44±2S;125mm(500W)试验火焰:100±2~700±3℃的时间是54±2S。
 试验空间也不一样:UL94中的HB、V、VMT其空间只要求大于0.5立方就可以,而5V要求大于0.75立方,VW-1要求大于4立方。
 甲烷的流量要求不一样:HB级、V级、VMT级燃气流量为105ml/min,背压力10mm水柱或相等压力;5V级燃气流量为965ml/min,125±25mm水柱或相等压力,VW-1与UL94中的5V级背压力一样:燃气流量为965ml/min, 125±25mm水柱或相等压力。(注意:目前国内很多的塑料UL94燃烧机并没有配备专用的甲烷流量计(常常用空气流量计代替,从而造成很大差异!),另外也没有配备U型背压力计!,更重要一点是:没有配备火焰测温系统。UL94中的5V级燃烧与VW-1燃烧的试验条件与试验方法差不多,比较接近!提醒大家:不管是VW-1还是UL94燃烧试验设备,都得参照ASTM5025与ASTM5027,UL1581与UL94只是试验方法,试验设备的要求一定要按ASTM标准!

劲风中疾跑 --- 2010-07-15 11:26:44


baihe --- 2010-07-15 11:44:40


mxsf1984 --- 2010-07-15 14:21:25


hjbnihao --- 2010-07-15 14:46:30



ssbin101 --- 2010-09-12 13:35:27


hddl19724 --- 2011-05-26 19:48:50


wangxia168 --- 2011-05-27 10:04:19


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cxc357 --- 2011-07-04 21:04:48


GENGGENGNU --- 2011-07-06 10:02:53


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